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  • June 16, 2023 - Revolutionize Your World: Embrace the AI Leapfrogging Phenomenon

June 16, 2023 - Revolutionize Your World: Embrace the AI Leapfrogging Phenomenon

Fuel your personal and professional growth with top insights, skills, and strategies of the day.


  1. AI Leapfrogging: How AI Will Transform “Lagging” Industries: AI is primed to overhaul sectors like education and agriculture, leapfrogging outdated processes and opening doors for AI-driven solutions.

  2. The Future Of Business Software: Trends, Challenges And Opportunities: Cloud computing, 5G, AI, and VR are shaping business software's future, with opportunities in low-code platforms and SaaS models despite security and talent challenges.

  3. AI automation could take over 50% of today’s work activity by 2045: McKinsey: McKinsey forecasts AI automation could manage half of all work by 2045, impacting high-wage roles and adding trillions to the AI market.

  4. Forget The ‘Future Of Work.’ If You Focus On Customers First, Revenue Follows: Prioritizing customers and aligning missions with employees' mindset can boost revenue and profit, as seen in companies like TAB Bank and Starbucks.

  5. Why Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones: Stepping out of comfort zones can spur growth and resilience, with strategies like task breakdown and mentorship aiding personal and professional development.

  6. Need a Break Now? Try Treating Your Weekend Like a Vacation: Embracing a vacation mindset on weekends can boost happiness and reduce stress, with simple joys and new activities enhancing well-being.

  7. The US government is buying your data to spy on you: The US government's data purchases from brokers are raising privacy concerns, highlighting the need for legal protections and oversight.



Harnessing AI Leapfrogging: AI is set to revolutionize lagging sectors like education, skipping outdated processes and delivering instant value.

  • This leapfrogging can empower entrepreneurs to create AI-driven solutions, such as personalized learning platforms and student performance analytics tools.

This isn't just about staying ahead of the curve—it's about creating the curve.

Your Actionable Tip:

Start exploring AI and its applications in your field.

  • For education professionals, consider how AI can automate tasks, personalize learning, and enhance productivity.

  • For entrepreneurs, think about how you can leverage AI to create solutions that address pain points in your industry. Don't just adapt to change—be the change.

Remember, the future belongs to those who prepare for it today. So, start learning, start experimenting, and start leapfrogging with AI.



AI Leapfrogging is a game-changing concept that's set to revolutionize industries still relying on outdated processes.

  • This phenomenon occurs when an industry skips a step in the technology transformation chain, adopting a more advanced technology directly.

  • It's like jumping from a landline to a smartphone, bypassing the flip phone era altogether.

  • This leapfrogging can deliver instant value, reduce costs, and enhance productivity, especially in sectors like education that have been slow to digitize.

But how does this apply to you, our LeadingEdge reader? It's simple. Embrace the AI leapfrogging concept in your personal and professional life. Here's how:

Today's Challenge: Embrace Discomfort and Innovation

  1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: As the saying goes, "Great things never came from comfort zones." Embrace the discomfort that comes with learning new technologies and processes. This discomfort is a sign of growth and expansion. Remember, the most significant advancements often come from stepping into the unknown.

  2. Adopt AI Innovations: Whether you're an entrepreneur, an educator, or a student, there are numerous AI tools and services that can enhance your productivity and efficiency. From AI-powered personalized learning platforms to automated grading systems, these tools can provide instant value and significantly reduce the burden of change.

  3. Focus on the Customer: In any business, the key to success lies in prioritizing the customer. Design your work around your customers' needs. This focus will lead to increased revenue and profit. Remember, employees prioritize vision and mission over comforts. Align your mission with your employees' mindset to create a customer-first culture.

  4. Stay Informed and Protect Your Data: With the rise of AI and automation, it's crucial to stay informed about data privacy and security. The US government's purchase of data from data brokers highlights the need for legal protections and oversight. Be proactive in protecting your data and advocating for privacy rights.

  5. Treat Your Weekend Like a Vacation: Finally, remember to take care of your mental health. Adopting a vacation mindset during the weekend can lead to increased happiness, reduced stress, and greater satisfaction. Break free from your usual routine, try new activities, and enjoy the break.

Final Note

Embracing AI leapfrogging is not just about adopting new technologies; it's about adopting a new mindset. It's about being open to discomfort, embracing innovation, focusing on the customer, staying informed, and taking care of your mental health. So, take the leap today and transform your industry and yourself.


Embracing AI Leapfrogging can catalyze personal and professional growth, opening doors to new opportunities and efficiencies.

Here are three prompts, related to today’s edition that could be of interest to you:

  • PROMPT 1: "ChatGPT, how can I apply the concept of AI Leapfrogging to my own professional development in the education sector?"

  • PROMPT 2: "ChatGPT, can you suggest five AI-driven tools or services that I, as an educator, can adopt to enhance my teaching efficiency and student engagement?"

  • PROMPT 3: "ChatGPT, as an entrepreneur in the education sector, how can I leverage AI Leapfrogging to create a product or service that addresses a significant pain point in this industry?"


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Thank you. Yes, you! For every minute you've spent with us, for every insight you've shared, for every challenge you've embraced. You're the heartbeat of this community, and we're grateful for your engagement.

Yesterday, we received our highest number of “Awesome” votes on our daily satisfaction poll. Your feedback continues to help in the design of this daily newsletter. My goal continues to be providing the best value to our readers, and in a free edition. We’ll inevitably launch a premium subscription, too. But I’ll always love writing and curating this free edition as well.

In this issue, we've explored the transformative power of AI Leapfrogging, a concept that's not just about industries, but about you. We've seen how AI can overhaul sectors like education, how it can shape the future of business software, and how it can automate half of all work by 2045. We've also learned that prioritizing customers and stepping out of comfort zones can spur growth and resilience.

Now, it's your turn. How will you apply AI Leapfrogging to your professional development? What AI-driven tools will you adopt to enhance your efficiency and engagement? How will you leverage AI to create solutions that address pain points in your industry? We're eager to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Remember, the future belongs to those who prepare for it today. So, start learning, start experimenting, and start leapfrogging with AI. You're not just adapting to change—you're the change. And we're right here with you, every step of the way.

Stay curious, stay brave, and keep pushing the boundaries. After all, great things never came from comfort zones.

Ignite your tomorrow, today with LeadingEdge - turning tech trends into triumphs!


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