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GPT-4o: The AI Revolution That Will Transform Education and What Our Students Really Think

Artificial Intelligence is taking another giant leap forward with the introduction of GPT-4o, the latest version of ChatGPT. This new iteration promises to change the way we interact with AI, making it more human-like and versatile than ever before. But what does this mean for education, and how do high school students feel about these advancements? Our recent study sheds light on these questions, revealing both excitement and caution among students.

The Big Claim: GPT-4o Could Transform Education

GPT-4o isn't just an incremental upgrade; it's a game-changer. With its realistic voice, quicker verbal responses, ability to handle interruptions, and emotional simulation, GPT-4o is set to redefine AI-human interactions. It also offers real-time language translation and can understand instructions given through text and images. These features open up a world of possibilities for personalized education and support, potentially transforming the learning landscape.

Key Features of GPT-4o:

  • Conversational Excellence: GPT-4o’s ability to simulate emotions and allow interruptions makes conversations feel more natural and engaging.

  • Educational Applications: Educators are exploring its use for personalized tutoring, solving math problems, conducting mock interviews, and supplementing office hours with AI-driven questions.

  • Broader Verbal AI Market: Alongside offerings like Google’s Gemini Live, GPT-4o is part of a growing trend focusing on enhancing verbal communication through AI.

  • Balancing Benefits and Concerns: While there are clear benefits, concerns about student and faculty safety, privacy, and the risk of premature adoption need addressing.

  • Enhanced Learning: GPT-4o can help students delve deeper into concepts, ask challenging questions, and seek help more comfortably.

  • AI as a Supplement: GPT-4o is designed to complement, not replace, human teachers, emphasizing the need for human inspiration and deeper learning.

  • Equitable Access: By making GPT-4o free, it addresses equity concerns and could lead to wider AI adoption in education.

Curiosity-Focused Exploration

Given these impressive features, it's natural to wonder: How do high school students perceive these advancements, and what might this mean for the future of education? Our study, which explored high school students' attitudes towards AI, provides valuable insights.

Filling the Curiosity Gaps: Insights from Our Study

Our study revealed several key findings about students' familiarity, comfort, and ethical concerns regarding AI tools in their education:

  • Familiarity and Comfort: While most students are familiar with AI tools, their comfort levels vary significantly. Many students see AI as a tool to improve their writing skills, but there are mixed feelings about its impact on creativity (Brauer, 2024).

  • Ethical Concerns: Students raised significant ethical concerns, particularly around plagiarism and the authenticity of AI-generated content. These concerns highlight the need for clear guidelines and responsible use of AI in educational settings (Brauer, 2024).

  • Preference for Human Feedback: Despite the benefits of AI, students still highly value human feedback for its nuanced and personalized insights. This suggests that AI should supplement, not replace, human teachers (Brauer, 2024).

  • Selective Integration: Students prefer using AI tools for specific tasks such as drafting and feedback, rather than relying on them for all aspects of their work. This selective approach can help balance the benefits of AI with the irreplaceable value of human interaction (Brauer, 2024).

Humanizing the AI Experience

It's crucial to recognize that while GPT-4o offers exciting possibilities, its integration into education must be handled thoughtfully. Here are some takeaways based on our study and the potential of GPT-4o:

  • Enhanced Engagement: Students are likely to appreciate GPT-4o's more human-like interactions, which could make learning more engaging and less robotic.

  • Balanced Use: Integrating GPT-4o should be done in a balanced way, ensuring that AI tools complement rather than replace human educators. This balanced approach will help address concerns about over-reliance on AI and ensure that students continue to develop critical thinking and creativity.

  • Supportive Learning Environment: Comprehensive teacher training and robust ethical guidelines are essential to support the effective and responsible use of GPT-4o in education. By addressing ethical concerns and providing clear guidance, we can create a supportive environment where AI enhances learning outcomes.


Integrating GPT-4o into education presents an exciting opportunity to enhance student engagement and personalize learning. Teachers can leverage its capabilities for immediate feedback and personalized support, ensuring that AI complements, rather than replaces, human interaction. By adopting clear ethical guidelines and focusing on balanced integration, educators can foster a learning environment that combines the strengths of technology and the irreplaceable value of human insight.


Coffey, L. (2024, May 19). AI’s new conversation skills eyed for education. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/tech-innovation/artificial-intelligence/2024/05/17/new-chatgpt-eyed-better-learning

Brauer, J. (2024). Exploring high school students' perceptions and attitudes towards generative AI tools in English studies. OSF Preprint. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZJX4G


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